Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ana Senior portraits part 2 {Portland OregonSenior Portrait Photographer}

Shelby Hopkins Part 2 {Portland Senior Portrait Photographer}

52 Weeks Of Blessings {Week1}

I would like to invite everyone to join me on the journey of a "Year of Blessings ". I am starting this on the week of Easter because the first blessings are just this "Our God Die so We could have Eternal life and He rose again as a promise to all , a "Blessing" is what this is called.
So I start here today to show pictures and thought of all the blessings that my family will receive this year one week at a time , Please follow me through the journey and please share with me the blessings God has given you and your family
This weeks blessing is Japh's new job that he starts this week, It is his dream job WHAT A BLESSING!!!!!!!!
My family is also a blessing and is doing so wonderful.
Blessings where every where I went this week.
So here are the pictures of my God given blessings