The blessings that I have received this week have not been financial or material , just full hearted friendship and love.
I feel very blessed that each day lately I have meet and are getting to know wonderful family's and women , that have the same heart for God and it has just been wonderful.
I also feel blessed that my sister, who has waited and listen to God through so much in her life , and chose to make wonderful decisions, even when they where hard , had found the man of her dreams and this weekend , will marry this Man, He is truly a man of God and I love him and his family.
Well all of my stuff is all at Davids Bridal and ready to go, Now it is totally up to God what path that he chooses for it to go, I really do feel that when God starts a good work in you , he will see it to the end, He just might see it a tid bit different and I really want to listen and hear the direction he wants me to go.
So to sum up the blessings list , I am Blessed with friendships,family, a job that is moving forward not backwards, a family that is all married to the men of there dreams, a wonderful pet and the knowledge to know that God has begun a work in me and with see it to the end
Phillippians1:6 He who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ ,developing and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you